DIY Pest Control Techniques for Your New Home

Whether winter or summer, there are a plethora of pests that may cause problems for homeowners. Moving is stressful enough without having to face the consequences and potential dangers of pests invading and infesting your home. Dealing with issues surrounding pest control can be overwhelming and many may not know where to start, but there are a plethora of DIY pest control techniques you can use to deter pests from entering and becoming a problem in your home. One simple way to protect your home from pests is to start with prevention.

Prevention mostly consists of cleaning and home hygiene. Here are some prevention techniques.

ants in the home

  • Using a mixture of water and vinegar at a 1:1 ratio to wipe down countertops and other surfaces remove odours and food particles, which in turn removes any potential factors which may attract pests. Another facet of this is minimizing the number of crumbs and food residue spills out onto surfaces, to begin with.
  • Keeping dry foods like pasta or cookies in sealed containers is a surefire way to achieve this, as is using a trash can with a lid.
  • Another potential attraction for pests is leftover food in drains. Pour ½ cup of baking soda and ½ a cup of vinegar down the drain, then after 5 minutes, follow with boiling water to clear the drain of any insect-friendly food.
  • Checking all the faucets in your home for leaks is also important–because they need water in order to survive, pests tend to be attracted to leaks.
  • However, if you do happen to find insects in or near your home, essential oils may serve as a natural bug repellent. For example, citronella acts as a mosquito repellent, lavender wards off insects like fleas, bed bugs, and flies, and peppermint keeps spiders and ants away. To create a natural ‘bug spray,’ mix 2 ½ teaspoons of your chosen oil with a cup of grain alcohol and spray it wherever necessary.


When concerning rodents and other small mammals, pest control techniques are quite different. Creatures such as squirrels and raccoons may find an empty attic to be quite appealing as a nest or place of shelter. Luckily, it is much easier to ensure that animals can’t get in it than it is insects.


  • Try to seal off any potential entry points for small creatures, “for vents and chimney openings, cover the entry with hardware cloth and screw or staple it in place.”
  • If you’re feeling generous, you may even consider buying these furry friends a small house of their own. There is also a range of live trap options that could be used to humanely capture your new roommates and release them outside.
  • If you decide to use poison, make sure you go here to know about poison.