Why Faulty Appliances in Your Home Could Be Wasting Electricity

Fuel bills have risen substantially over the last few years, so you’re not alone if you find that your gas and electricity bills seem to be eating into your wage more than they used to. More and more people are switching providers to save money on their utility bills; it always pays to look around for a cheaper bill, but there could be another reason that you are paying more than you really have to.

Faulty appliances in your home not only represent a safety hazard, they could also be wasting electricity and that leads to bigger bills. Here are three ways that a faulty appliance could cost you money, and how to stop them.

Is Your Refrigerator Costing You More Than It Should?

The refrigerator is one of the essential electrical appliances in any household, but it’s also one of the most energy-intensive ones. In recent years, moves have been made to manufacture more energy efficient fridges, which is good news for the environment and for your household expenses, but a surprisingly high bill could be a sign of a faulty refrigerator. The ultimate function of a fridge is to keep the interior at a temperature set by the user, and it does this by means of a thermostat, a compressor, an evaporator, motor, and fans.

As these parts become old, they may become increasingly erratic, meaning that they have to work harder to achieve the correct temperature. This takes much more energy and can have a major impact on your electricity bill. Causes of this could include a failed thermostat, a clogged fan, or something as simple as a worn gasket around the door. Correcting these faults can be much cheaper than the rise in your energy bill, so seek expert advice if you have a faulty fridge.

Don’t Let Your Electricity Bills Spin Out of Control

If you have a large family, it’s surprising how often you need to keep loading and unloading the washing machine. This inevitably puts a strain on the machine over time, but if your washing machine develops a fault, it can lead to increased electricity usage as well as frayed tempers and the joys of hand washing clothing.

Always look out for the early warning signs of a problem and try to find advice from the original provider of your washing machine. The advice you receive from the same provider that you bought your machine from is likely to be much more detailed as well. For example, on the Hotpoint website they have some detailed Hotpoint washing machine information specifically aimed at their machines – they even provide a downloadable manual specifically for their machines. Potential problems could be a drain pipe problem or a water heating problem, but a washing machine engineer will be able to diagnose and then repair any fault.

Never Take A Risk With Faulty Wiring

Faulty wiring is the most serious of all potential problems connected with your white goods because if undiscovered or unheeded, it can lead not only to increased electricity bills but also to a fire. Frayed or damaged wiring may make a connection with other objects that conduct electricity, which can cause the surface areas to become very hot. Over a relatively quick space of time, this can lead to combustion. A large spike in your electricity bill is one of the most common indicators of faulty wiring, so if you’ve noticed an unexpected leap in the bill, you should call an electrical safety expert immediately.

Any electrical appliance not in perfect condition will have to work much harder to perform adequately, and this increases the amount of electricity being used. Calling the professionals as soon as a problem becomes apparent can prevent a greater problem, such as total failure of the appliance, occurring later. Keep an eye on your appliances and on your electricity bill; it can save you money and lead to a safer home.