Green Office Buildings

Sustainable design are at the forefront of modern design concepts. Architects strive towards including as many sustainable features as possible on both new builds and refits. Companies are under increased obligations to be as ‘green’ as possible, as such designs include energy efficiency systems for making reductions on the amount of energy their buildings use.

Solar panels, wind turbines and bio-fuels are main features in the latest designs, with further sustainability achieved by recycling water and sewage, and rainwater harvesting. This infographic showcases some of the world’s most energy efficient high performance buildings, including The Crystal, an all-electric Smart building that has changed the skyline of London with its ergonomic shape and award winning design features. In Manchester, England, One Angel Square has its own bio-fuel power plant, with the capability of using passive solar heating. Waste computer heat is recycled, while the building recycles and harvests rainwater.

On the other side of the world in Melbourne, Australia, Pixel is the first carbon neutral office. It produces all of its own energy and water. In Bahrain the World Trade Centre has two skyscraper towers which are joined by three skybridges, each holding a wind turbine that contribute to 15% of the building’s power consumption.

High performance buildings are being designed and constructed on all three continents, their visual impact is undoubtedly impressive. The ‘green’ approach in their design, construction and running costs are showing the way forward in helping to save the planet.

Green Office Buildings – That are Saving the Planet by Euroffice.