Staying or Selling? How to Improve your Home

Whether it’s redecorating the walls or knocking some down, home improvements come in many shapes and sizes.

A study a few years back even found that certain home improvements could add value you to you home; perfect if you’re looking for a big sale.

Other improvements are more for personal gain, such as a balcony. In fact this is something you can do yourself with the likes of Barrier Components offering help if you’re considering it.

Whatever you’re doing, here are our four best home improvements whether you’re staying or selling.


This ever-popular home addition is ideal for both. If you’re staying in your home for the long haul and have the room for a conservatory it’s a great investment.

You’ll also have extra entertaining space, not to mention a great summer spot. If you’re choosing to sell, a conservatory has been known to give up to a 108% return on investment compared to what you pay.


If you’re short on garden space, a balcony is an excellent addition to a home. Not only do they look great, but empty spaces like a single layer extension transform perfectly into a balcony.

Obviously, you’ll need planning permission for this but a Juliet balcony won’t need any. You could probably do this yourself after the window has been extended.

All you need is a little steer in the right direction from companies such as Barrier Components for the required parts. They’re also a great talking point when it comes to selling.


A new kitchen will always give a house a fresh look. If you’re staying put then it’s only natural to want your kitchen to look more up to date.

However, new kitchens are also great when selling as they’ve been shown to provide a return on investment upwards of 48%. Like a balcony, a new kitchen is a great talking point for both guests and potential buyers.

Loft Conversion

This can be done in two ways. You either turn it into bedroom, which requires planning permission or turn it into storage space.

If you’re looking to add an office or have another child, this is a great option when staying. They’re equally as great when selling, as an additional bedroom will add money, while the additional storage space is always a bonus for homebuyers.

These are just a few ideas for improving you home, with plenty out there to help when staying or buying. These however are perfect for both, so why not have a think about what you could do.