Are you a budding property investor? A landlord hoping to expand your portfolio? Or, simply curious about what it takes to get on the property ladder and make a profit on your investment?
Henry Davis MBA has completed 100s of property deals in his 30 plus years in the industry and has a vast knowledge of exactly how the ‘property game’ truly works.
In his new book, ‘The Truth About Property’ ( £9.99) he shares valuable insights into how to get the best out of your property investment.
Davis is a respected figure in the property buying industry and presents one of the most popular training courses in the UK – ‘The Key to Property Investment’ on behalf of the National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) – the UK’s largest membership organisation for private residential landlords.
There are 2.5 million landlords in the UK and 20 per cent of the UK households are private renters (13 million people) so property continues to be BIG business in Britain, even in these uncertain times.
In ‘The Truth About Property’ readers will learn how to buy property below (real and true) market value, as well as all the tricks of the trade to prosper against the competition.
There is simple, no-nonsense advice on due diligence, valuations, buying tricks, and the art of project management.
Davis also shares ‘insider market intelligence’, as well brilliant tips on maximising profit efficiently through clever interior design, planning, layouts, with detailed fit-out guides included.
He also advises readers on not getting ripped off by the property training industry which, he strongly asserts, is often populated by charlatans and ‘get rich quick’ chancers.
This ‘bible’ for those both new and experienced in the property market sets in place achievable and ‘doable’ investment strategies.
Davis started his portfolio by walking the streets as an ambitious 20-something in search of real off-market deals and the book includes his honest personal account of the highs and lows he himself has faced.
Henry Davis said: “In ‘The Truth About Property’ I share the solid advice on how NOT to get it wrong that so many investors wish they had gleaned before making their first deal.”
This is a unique and inspiring book, written by a property developer with over 32 years of experience and developments in residential and commercial property.