Who Spends the Most Making a House a Home?

We’ve delved into data from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) to find out which age groups spend the most and least on various aspects of household spending, so you can see how your spending compares.

Average UK Spending on Household Goods & Services, by Category

Of the £2,116 spent by UK households each year on their homes, nearly half goes towards big-ticket items like furniture and furnishings, representing nearly 8% of the average UK household budget. After furniture and furnishings, we tend to put the most money towards routine household maintenance to keep our homes running well and appliances like washing machines, toasters and hoovers.

Average Annual UK Spending on Household Goods & Services
Furniture and furnishings £978
Routine household maintenance £348
Household appliances £224
Floor Coverings £198
Tools and equipment for house and garden £151
Household textiles £114
Glassware, tableware and household utensils £99
Average Annual Spend £2,116

Average UK Spending on Household Goods & Services, by Age

Households aged 50 to 64 years old spend more than any other age group on household goods & services, spending £2,387 per year (13% more than average) on furniture, textiles, appliances, etc. The youngest and oldest among us spend the least, with under 30s parting with £1,820 and the over 75s spending £1,321 each year on their homes.

Average Annual UK Spending on Household Goods & Services, by age
Less than 30 £1,820
30 to 49 £2,231
50 to 64 £2,387
65 to 74 £2,304
75 or Over £1,321
Average Annual Spend £2,116

Breaking Down the Data

Depending on their stage of life, people tend to spend more or less on specific areas of their homes such as furniture, textiles, appliances, etc. To see how these spending patterns change with age, we’ve used the data to see which age group spends the least and the most by subcategory. For instance, the under 30s spend more on textiles than other age groups, whereas the 50 to 64 year olds spend more on furniture and glassware than other ages.

Which Age Group Spends… the Least? the Most?
Household textiles Over 75 Under 30
Glassware, tableware and household utensils Over 75 30 to 49 & 50 to 64
Furniture, furnishings and floor coverings Over 75 50 to 64
Household appliances Under 30 65 to 75
Tools and equipment for house and garden Under 30 50 to 64
Routine household maintenance Under 30 Over 75

Specifically, we can see the average annual household spending for each subcategory by age group in the following table and chart.

How UK Households Spend on Their Homes Under 30 30 to 49 50 to 64 65 to 74 Over 75 Average
Furniture and furnishings £1,076 £1,118 £1,076 £1,009 £359 £978
Goods and services for routine household £182 £348 £385 £354 £385 £348
Household textiles £135 £114 £114 £130 £109 £114
Floor coverings £130 £182 £265 £234 £104 £198
Household appliances £109 £234 £224 £296 £208 £224
Glassware, tableware and household utensils £99 £114 £114 £99 £42 £99
Tools and equipment for house and garden £94 £125 £203 £172 £109 £151
Average Annual Spending £1,820 £2,230 £2,387 £2,304 1321 £2,116

For more information and methodology, please see the full data study at NimbleFins.co.uk.