What to look out for when renovating your floor tiles

Renovating or replacing your floor tiles can be a wonderful way to transform your space. You can totally brighten up an otherwise dull and dark room, creating a space that’s far more enjoyable to spend time in.

You need to look out for a few things – some of them more aesthetic in nature, others more safety-related. Let’s take a look at some of the more important things to consider.

renovating floor tiles

The state and type of tiles

Tiles come in all different shapes, sizes, and materials. Before you decide whether you want to replace or renovate your tiles, it’s crucial that you take a close look at them.

See if they can be cleaned up, looking to see how many of them are chipped or broken and how they look when the grime has been removed and given a quick polish.

You might find that they can be made to look absolutely stunning with just a day or two of work, or you might decide that you want to start over from scratch.

Asbestos tiling

Another important thing to look out for when renovating or replacing your floor tiles is Asbestos. Asbestos tiles tend to look like this, although they can also be found in different shapes and colours.

While you should look into getting them professionally removed, the good news is that the risk and costs associated with their removal and disposal are relatively low compared to other asbestos materials.

You still shouldn’t try to remove them yourself, but it shouldn’t break the bank getting them removed properly.

Rising budgets

Before starting a tile replacement project, it’s important to consider how expensive the whole thing can become. The tiles themselves can be quite pricey, in addition to the labour costs of installing them.

Renovating the tiles might be a lot cheaper and a good option if you think the end result will be adequate for your requirements. Try getting quotes for professional cleaning and complete replacement before making any final decisions or commitments.


Lastly, you need to think about how durable the surface needs to be. For example, if you’ve noticed that you’ve cracked a lot of the tiles in your kitchen over the years, replacing them with something a little stronger could be a good idea.

Whether or not you need to consider durability depends on what you intend to use the space for. Smaller tiles tend to be stronger and less prone to cracking. It’s often very difficult to notice when they do crack or chip.

These are just a few important things to think about when carrying out a floor tile renovation project.

If you have any doubts about hazardous materials such as asbestos or the potential of your current floor tiles, it’s definitely worth getting an expert round to give you their informed opinion – not only could it save you money, but it might also ensure that you’re not exposed to any dangerous chemicals as well.