How to Make Exterior Paint Stand the Test of Time

External painting is the project that should be held repeatedly. The weather conditions and climate can have a destructive influence on the exterior’s appearance, therefore, it is recommended to repaint the house every 5 to 7 years. Is it possible to extend the paint’s durability? Learn the essential tips.

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Hire quality painters

Do not even think of painting the house by yourself, unless you are a skilled painter equipped with indispensable tools and materials. Such a job require an extensive knowledge, which will let you enjoy a fresh coat of paint for longer. There are many professional and experienced painters in London, who perfectly handle each stage of painting process. Set an appointment and discuss your worries, present expectations and let the team assess the price and time needed to finish the job.

The prep work

Preparation is the most essential part of work. A proper job will surely extend the durability of the external paint, but – depending on the size of the house – it is also time-consuming. A result of this stage should be smooth surfaces without any loose paint scrapping off.

What is more, painters have to make sure the paint will perfectly adhere to the surface. Therefore, they should remove any grime, mildew or anything that prevents the paint from proper adhesion. You should know that some materials, like wood or siding, are extremely prone to inadequate human activities, so an inexperienced person can easily cause irreversible damage.

Re-paint the property

The use of high-quality paint

There are multiple types of paint dedicated to external project, however, you should know how to choose the best and the most durable one. Never regret your money on a paint if you want it to last longer. You may use a help of a hired painting team, which will advise the best available option for your external surface. For example, many qualified painters add hard coat to a latex paint, which is proved to extend its vitality. It is also common to add some high-tech dirt repeal to the paint.

What can you do to maintain the exterior paint?

After the job performed by professional painters from London, it is you, who is responsible for the further condition of paint. You can maximize the painters’ effort by regular washing your house with dedicated detergents, soft-bristled brush and a hose. You should also touch up chips and cracks, as well as pay attention to gutters and frequently check if they are clean. If the exterior of your house is made of wood, gently seal the siding with effective protectants.

An annual examination will also keep your exterior in good condition. At least once a year carefully examine each fragment of external surface and if you notice any damage, repair it and repaint the area. There are many factors, which can have a negative visual impact on the look of your house: from kids playing with the ball to a powerful hailstorm in the middle of a summer. A regular examination will prevent the paint from further damage and will significantly extend the durability of the paint.