Keep Your Home Energy-Efficient With uPVC Windows

Keeping your home energy-efficient is very important, especially now when the price of energy in Europe has reached record levels and is still growing. One of the ways you can make your home more energy-efficient and thus reduce your energy bills is by replacing your old windows with new joinery.

Fenbro UPCV Window

Buying new joinery is quite an investment, but don’t worry. You don’t have to overpay for your new windows and doors. uPVC windows offer great thermal properties, modern appeal and easy maintenance at an affordable price. They are available in different types and sizes that perfectly complement the style and functionality of your property.

Benefits of energy-efficient uPVC windows

Before we discuss the benefits of installing energy-efficient uPVC windows, we will have a closer look at windows technical parameters. The most important for you is Uw. It’s the window’s heat transfer coefficient. It informs you about the level of window thermal insulation. The Uw shows how much heat will penetrate 1 m2 of a window in one hour, with a difference between the temperatures on both sides of the window of one degree. As you may have guessed, the lower the Uw coefficient, the better the window’s thermal insulation is. Now, when you know how to choose energy-efficient windows, let’s focus on the benefits of having them.

Energy-efficient windows allow you to reduce your energy bills and, at the same time:

  • Make your home more comfortable: Energy-efficient uPVC windows reduce heat loss, which means fewer draughts and cold spots
  • Enjoy peace and quiet: Thermal insulation goes hand in hand with acoustic insulation – for this reason, energy-efficient windows do not only keep the heat in, but they also insulate your home against external noise
  • Reduce condensation and its consequences: Thermal insulation reduces condensation build up on the inside of windows, which makes your home healthier and better to live in.

Fenbro UPVC backdoor and window

Double or triple-glazed uPVC windows: Which type will be the best for my home?

The number of panes really matters, but more is not always better. Sometimes double-glazed windows are enough. How to know which solution to decide on? The most obvious factor to consider when choosing between double and triple-glazed windows is where your home is located. Whereas in a warmer climate double-glazed windows are a good choice, in colder climates you will benefit more from the installation of triple-glazed windows. This is particularly relevant in the case of windows that are not exposed to a great deal of sun during the winter months.

What’s important, you don’t have to invest in triple-glazed windows for the whole house – it will be enough to install them in the rooms that you use most often. In the case of the rooms you use less frequently, (or the ones that are not kept at a higher temperature), double-glazed uPVC windows will do the job. The same refers to the rooms located in the more sunny southern part of the house. You can actually benefit more from double-glazing units there – they will let more natural light and heat in.

Fenbro window

Order uPVC windows with Fenbro at an affordable price

Fenbro specialises in importing uPVC windows and doors from Poland. We deliver high quality products with full guarantee and professional installation service all over Ireland. What makes our offer stand out is a wide selection of energy-efficient solutions – double and triple-glazed uPVC windows in many different styles and colours to choose from. We deliver fixed windows, tilt and turn windows, double sash tilt and turn windows as well as sliding doors and many more. At Fenbro, we give you a rare opportunity to obtain the desired effect in an uncompromising manner and at an affordable price.

High quality uPVC windows at a good price – our offer does not end here. We provide you with a complex service – from importing windows from Poland and fitting them in every location across Ireland, up to comprehensive after-sale service and easy access to spare parts.

Are you planning on improving the energy-efficiency of your home with modern uPVC joinery? Trust Fenbro. We have already helped hundreds of homeowners across Ireland and the UK.