Free Rental Inspection Report for Landlords

Regular inspections during a lease assist landlords in ensuring that renters are taking care of their property and catching any maintenance issues before they become serious. 

Check out this landlord inspection checklist to learn how often you should visit the property, what to look for, and how to make sure it’s safe for tenants. 

What Is a Rental Inspection Report or Checklist? 

A rental inspection report is a document that assesses the state of a rental home after or before occupants relocate in or out. It assures that the rental property is well-kept and in excellent working order during, before, and after the renters’ occupancy, and that any necessary repairs are reimbursed by the responsible party. 

Rental Inspection Report Template

Best Rental Inspection Report Template  

There should be a long list of items on the periodic inspection checklist before your rental move out or leave. This way, you can double-check that you haven’t forgotten anything that could cost you money later, and you can even compare your list to past lists to make sure you haven’t forgotten anything. Always keep a record of your visit, including photos of any damage or concerns. 

Create a free rental inspection report here.

There are a few mandatory things that you should include in your inspection checklist :- 

How To Notify Tenants About The Property Inspection 

Let us go over some basic laws so that you proceed with caution and a legal stance. 

The landlord has the authority to visit the premises to inspect the “condition and state of repair” under Section 11 of the Landlord and Tenant Act of 1985. 

The law, in its exact words, is stated as :- 

“In a lease in which the lessor’s repairing covenant is implied there is also implied a covenant by the lessee that the lessor, or any person authorized by him in writing, may at reasonable times of the day and on giving 24 hours’ notice in writing to the occupier, enter the premises comprised in the lease for the purpose of viewing their condition and state of repair.” 

In normal human talk, that essentially means the following:  

  • Inspections must take place at “reasonable times of day.” 
  • The landlord/agent must provide written notice of 24 hours 
  • If the inspection will be conducted by someone other than the landlord or agent, that person should be given written permission.

rental inspection report

So Why Are Inspections Important?

To ensure that your tenants adhere to the rules that have been agreed upon. 

First and foremost, be certain that the contract specifies the agreed-upon conduct and property care expectations. Because no two renters are the same, make sure you have a set of ground rules or expectations in place. Even though there’s always a risk when renting out your property, setting rules can help you avoid them.

To ensure that you are serving your tenants’ needs as a landlord.

The landlord-tenant relationship is a two-way street. You must also ensure that you are upholding your end of the bargain by ensuring that the property you are renting out is clean, safe, and comfortable. 

To avoid major issues in the future.

Problems with rental properties arise as a result of normal wear and tear. You can discover these issues before they become big money drainers by conducting frequent rental property inspections. 

To provide you with information about your tenants’ behaviour.

An inspection of your rental property can reveal information about how each tenant uses it. They are, God forbid, utilizing it for illicit purposes. The clues you find during your property inspection can help you figure out if your tenants are involved in criminal activity or drug use. 

To make landlord-tenant communication easier.

You could be a landlord who lives in or near your rental property, or you could be a landlord who lives elsewhere and relies on a property management company to organize your frequent rental property inspections. 

Rental Property Inspection Checklist Template 

Rental Inspection Report Template

A good inspection template should include the following checks:- 


  • There should be no standing water and good drainage, including downspouts, away from the house. 
  • There are no signs of septic tank leakage. 
  • There are no noticeable flaws in the landscaping, driveway, or walkways. 
  • Trees that are in good shape and do not overhang or touch the roof.


  • There are no missing or damaged shingles, and there is no curling or cupping. 
  • There were no patches or excess roofing cement visible. 
  • Roof penetration flashing is present and in good shape.

Structure on the outside: 

  • The visible foundation appears to be straight and plumb, with no obvious fissures. 
  • There is no sagging or bowing on the exterior walls. 
  • The frames of the windows and doors appear to be square. 
  • There is no contact between the wood and the earth.

Windows and doors: 

  • Doors are weather-stripped and properly latch. 
  • Storm windows or thermal glass are fitted. 
  • Inside double-paned windows, there is no condensation.

Other checklist spots should include your internal property such as Basement, Crawl space, Attic, Electrical, Plumbing, Heating and Cooling, Bathrooms, Kitchen, Interior rooms etc. 

Miscellaneous checks should include:-  

  • Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are operational and installed in the appropriate and recommended locations. 
  • The treads and risers of the stairwell are solid. 
  • The handrails on the stairwells in the relevant sections are in good condition. 
  • The automatic garage door works well and pauses when it encounters a barrier.

Some Related Documents 

  • This paper is used to rent an apartment to a renter and form a contract between the two parties. 
  • Changes to a lease without having to create a new Tenancy Agreement are possible with a Lease Amendment. 
  • Letter of Intent: Use a Letter of Intent to create a negotiation agreement before finalizing the deal.

The Takeaway 

It’s critical that you respect your tenant’s right to quiet pleasure while also acknowledging that your property is their home. That is a privilege they are paying for. 

In most circumstances, renters will gladly allow inspections, but only if they are conducted with civility. Don’t assume you have permission to enter the property; you don’t, so politely request it.