The Essential Skills to Start a Real Estate Business

Investing in real estate is one of the most popular alternative investments on the market today. Running a real-estate company can be incredibly rewarding, and very lucrative. However, there are many skills needed in order to run a successful real estate business that many people don’t consider when they start out. Many real-estate business owners acquire these skills over time, however, it is always a good idea to start building on these skills as soon as possible. These skills could make a huge difference when it comes to making your business as successful as it can be. 

estate agent

Architectural Knowledge 

This is one of the most underrated skills that are crucial to running a great real estate business. Having an understanding of architecture will allow you to make better decisions for your business, especially when it comes to buying and selling. Having a passion for architecture will make you more likely to be able to communicate with potential buyers, which could give you a huge edge over your competition. 

Time Management Skills

This is also a very crucial skill to have when you’re managing a real estate business. There are many time sensitive elements of a real estate business, such as meeting deadlines, arriving at your appointments on time and providing information to clients in a timely manner. If you are constantly late at these things, this could shape your reputation and make people less likely to want to work with you. Buying a house can be stressful for many people, and if your estate agent isn’t reliable this could make this so much worse. Real estate businesses’ reputation usually relies on word of mouth, so make sure that you are a reliable and trustworthy person to work with. 

Communication Skills

When you’re working with the general public, your communication skills must be effective. You should also be good at multiple different forms of communication, as many people prefer different types. For example, you should be able to communicate everything you need to via email, phone or in person. Being fast at responding and being eloquent and informational will make it much easier to work with people. Having good communication with your employees also makes running a successful business much easier. You want your clients and staff to feel happy and comfortable talking with you. 

Real estate agent with older couple

Being An Active Listener

Although this could be considered a part of good communication skills, it is important enough to warrant its own section. You need to know how to effectively listen to clients so you can deliver what they want. Give all of your clients your full attention, and make sure to make a note of their concerns and desires. You can repeat what they said to confirm and ask follow up questions, which makes them feel listened to, and will help you do a great job. Active listening is crucial for building trust with your clients, and will help you deliver what they want. 

Familiarity With The Local Area

Most real estate businesses tend to operate within the local area. It’s important to know as much about the local area as possible, so that you can market and advertise your business effectively. Before you represent a client in a new area, you need to be doing in-depth research on the location. This research should include things like local regulations, facilities, public transport and much more. However, there are things that may make a property less attractive on the market, such as crime rates or local geography. Knowing everything about the local area will make it much easier for you to put the property on the market. 

Being Technology Aware

Many years ago, real estate businesses operated via window advertising and writing everything down in notebooks. However, in the modern age, it would be pretty irresponsible to run a real estate business without a basic understanding of technology. For example, you should be doing online advertising and your business should have a website. This will make it much easier for potential clients to find your services. Having technology as part of your office can also streamline your business processes – for example, keeping your schedule organised and storing vital information. You should be embracing modern technology and the internet if you want to run a successful business in 2023. 


Although this isn’t a tangible business skill, it is one of the most important and helpful personality traits when it comes to running a real estate business. It could take a long time to sell a home when it goes on the market, and many processes in real estate take a long time to complete. Being patient and being able to keep your clients patient is one of the best things you can do in terms of running a successful business. 

Negotiation Skills

The best real estate agents are able to negotiate without risking their reputation and integrity. You must keep the best interests of all parties involved when attempting to negotiate deals so that you don’t alienate yourself on the market. You should always be aware of letting your clients know when there is a good deal, and when you should accept. However, knowing when to drop a deal and move on is also a great skill to have. Your negotiation skills will improve as you work on your communication skills and as you acquire more knowledge of the market. 

estate agent

Having Contacts

You may need to have multiple different contacts at your disposal when running a real estate business. For example, you may need to know people who can do home improvements in order to raise a property’s chance of sale. Many real estate businesses use professional flippers in order to get a house ready to be put on the market. Knowing mortgage lenders and investment property owners could also be useful. To make contacts, promote your business on social media and meet people at networking events. Having good contacts could be your lifeline when running a real estate business. 

Knowing The Industry

Knowledge of the industry will help you massively when it comes to starting your own real estate business. The real estate industry is incredibly competitive and it changes all of the time. Knowing how the real estate industry is changing to meet consumers in the modern market will also set you up for success. Utilising your website to its full potential is one of the best things you can do for your business, as it will help you market yourself and generate leads. Looking into things such as social media marketing and SEO will also help your marketing techniques. 

Business Experience

Having knowledge about how to run a general business may also be incredibly useful when venturing into real estate. Knowing how to generate cash flow, manage a workforce, meet deadlines and market a business will help you even if you haven’t worked in real estate before. For example, you should be looking into insurance that may benefit your business. Just like credit insurance brokers will help you in case your clients can no longer pay, you need to take out multiple forms of insurance for a real estate business, including professional indemnity insurance, employer’s liability insurance and data insurance. This knowledge could set you apart from your competitors on the market, and make running your business easier. 

These skills are very essential for when you’re running your own real estate business – start building on these skills today and watch how your business grows.